Monday, March 23, 2009

Moon is Void-of-Course/Pisces

The moon is void-of-course this morning from 8:10am - 5:08pm, it then moves into the sign of Pisces. The early part of the day ask us to be still and asks that we don't try to rush anything. Major decisions should be put to a halt and you will feel kind of sluggish all day. Our evening will start to take a different form as we move into Pisces. The void-of-course moon is a transitory energy, in this case, we are getting ready to move from our head (Aquarius) to our heart (Pisces). Here we move into the motherland of intuition. We don't seperate, because we know that we are all ONE. If you are looking for answers, just allow them to come to you...they will today. It's an important day to have alone time. When you are ready to come out of your shell, once you've replenished, surround yourself with a loving environment. Remember, don't second guess your feelings.


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