Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo

Today the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio. We will feel this intense energy for the next 30 days. Under Scorpio we are given the chance to bring our fears to the surface and confront them. We'll feel a need to withdraw from social activity and delve into our internal abyss. If we can find the courage to heal the wounds that hinder our progress, we'll soar like the eagle (one of Scorpio's many symbols).

The moon is in Leo today. The Sun is the ruler of Leo, which means this is a light, optimistic sign. Literally, brightening up your day. If you are feeling happy today, share those feelings with all who surround you; its infectious! If you have a project to complete this is the day to finalize. You might come across someone who isn't feeling that oomph, well, give it to them! Spread the joy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mercury Direct, Moon in Taurus

Mercury comes out of his shell today and is direct. We now look at the changes we've made in the past couple of weeks with more clarity and understanding. We had to be internal in the past weeks to find answers, but we now re-emerge with new found knowledge and appreciation for all things. There is alot of mental energy available to us, as it is the planet that rules our thinking. We're also governed by a Taurus moon today. We'll feel grounded and our body gives us clear messages. A good day for starting and/or completing projects or simply getting through our errands. In Taurus, all of our senses are heightened, so eat something yummy, listen to a favorite album, or get a'll feel marvelous.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Full Moon in Aries

Today people will be looking for a challenge. Even if there are none; one will be created. If you encounter people who are there just to stir your pot...don't be moved - stand in your strength. Don't take things personally today. Use this energy to remind your-self to keep reaching for the stars. Sometimes we become complacent and feel stuck in the mud. Today will rev our engines again!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another day with your head in the clouds...

We are still in an Aquarius moon. There are some surprises today as Venus (planet of relationships) and Uranus (planet of breaking the rules) are pairing up nicely today. Add it up; today you will be breaking the rules with someone :o) Oh, how fun! You're more likely to be productive in the afternoon, so don't worry about what doesn't get done in the morning. Today is a good day to remind your-self just how unique you are...and we ALL are. If you're feeling social; today is a great day to go out and catch up with friends. You'll feel the electricity (Uranus rules the "body electric"). Remember to celebrate you today.

Special Note: Happy Birthday to my "Mama Gena"...sending love.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Moon in Aquarius

Our mind is turned on today! Creativity will come easy to all. Aquarius is an air sign; air rules communication and information - expect lots of it today. Aquarius is the mad genius of the zodiac. You might get lost in your ideals today; just go with it. We are being supported to express the mad genius in us today. This energy also brings us outside of our-selves. If you come across a situation or person that you would like to help/support, go for it! This energy is all about remembering who we are...human.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Transition into Sagittarius

The moon is changing gears this morning, transitioning into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius. We will feel a bit sluggish as this change occurs. Its best to take things slowly today, as both the Moon and Mars (planet of action) are changing their placements. Mars will enter Scorpio this evening, and stays until Nov. 16. We'll want to keep more to ourselves. Our action and attention will be focused on private matters. This energy will also ignite whatever passions we have and lately have forgotten about. We are being asked to go inside of ourselves and stay there for a little while.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Moon in Scorpio

Today is a good day to remind your-self of just how far you have come. We'll feel like reminiscing today. Its a great day to remind your-self of just how wonderful you truly are. Read material, speak with people that make you feel good, stay clear of anything/anyone that you know is going to drain you; you need the energy. Get all your important tasks out of your way in the early part of the day. The moon will begin its transitory period and the serious energy of Scorpio is needed to complete any unfinished business. Mars is still in the social sign of Libra, it will shift into Scorpio tomorrow night, so if you want to get out and have a great time; tonight is favorable. Have fun!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcoming October with a Scorpio moon

Starting a new month with the powerful moon of Scorpio is an indication of the type of month October will be; serious and all about taking care of your business. We are in a Scorpio moon all day today. We can operate from the extremes of strength or fear, for this sign rules both of these qualities. Facing off with your fears today will be an opportunity. As this moon brings it all to the surface. In actuality, FEAR is only Forgetting Everything is All Right. Venus and Neptune are friendly today allowing us all to access the creative and romantic energy they are emitting. Mars and Pluto are pouring passion out there...perfect for a hot night...or day.