Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Glimpse @ 2009 and today's moon

Today's moon is in the energy of Aquarius/Pisces. Today's alignment is perfect for closing out the year of 2008. Mercury and Jupiter are holding hands, and it is exactly what it sounds like. The planet of information and communication (ruler of your mind) and the planet of expansion and jolliness (ruler of your growth) are skipping around town together. So, in essence, thinking positive and setting your 2009 resolutions will feel easy breezy. You'll also feel like connecting and socializing, how perfect for tonight...if you are planning on going to parties!

Saturn is going retrograde this morning. When a planet turns retrograde, this means that we will be internal. We will be asking our-selves some questions today, no doubt. Serious questions, like: what path are we on?, why are we on that path?, am I living my life the way I want it?, what is my purpose? Yep, that's right! Saturn is the great teacher, and is linked with depression, darkness, and fear. BUT, he takes you into darkness, so that you will confront your fear and come out on the other side. In Sanskrit, he is considered the guru of all gurus. So, if you are going to be around any Capricorns today (Saturn ruled), know that they will be a little withdrawn, but IF you know Capricorn, you know that they will be fine and bounce back in no time!

As you can see, we will be experiencing two very different energies today, one - Jupiter & Mercury and the other - Saturn. This is a perfect example of the ying/yang, and we shall find balance.

Have a Happy Happy New Year, full of light and love.


A look at 2009:

3 - Venus enters Pisces: Love is idealistic and romantic. Artistic ventures are favored.
5 - Jupiter enters Aquarius: Favors humanitarian, social and scientific endeavors.

11-31 - Mercury Retrograde: Miscommunications and paperwork snafus are likely.

2 - Venus enters Aries: Love is passionate and fiery.
4 - Mars enters Aquarius: Socializing and group activities are energized.
5-15 - Saturn opposition Uranus: Out with the old and in with the new.

6 through April 17 - Venus retrograde: A relationship issue or former lover may resurface and need attention.
14 - Mars enters Pisces: Spiritual/sexual connections are energized.
20 - Sun enters Aries: Heralds the Spring Equinox.

4 thorugh September 11 Pluto retrograde - Favors introspection, physical regeneration and re-evaluating financial arrangements.
11 - Retrograde Venus enters Pisces: Favors introspection about past relationships.
22 - Mars enters Aries: Accelerates passion and launches new projects.
24 - Venus enters Aries: Love is impulsive and adventurous.

6-31 - Mercury retrograde: Miscommunications and paperwork snafus are likely.
16 - Saturn direct: Plans and projects move forward.
28 through November 4 - Neptune retrograde: Favors inner work but creates chaos in the outer world.
27 through July 30 - Jupiter conjunct Neptune: Favors humanitarian and spiritual endeavors.
31 - Mars enters Taurus: Passion is sensual and earthy.

6 - Venus enters Taurus: Love is sensual, artsy and practical.
15 though October 12 - Jupiter retrograde: Expansion stalls temporarily.
20-21 - Sun enters Cancer: Heralds the Summer Solstice.

July1 through Decemeber 1 - Uranus retrograde: Progress may stop because of changes that need to be made.
5 - Venus enters Gemini: Communications and travel heighten romance.
11 - Mars enters Gemini: Energizes communications and travel.
31 - Venus enters Cancer: Favors family get-togethers and cozy trysts.

25 - Mars enters Cancer: Energizes home projects and family activities.
26 - Venus enters Leo: Creativity revs up romance.

6-29 - Mercury retrograde: Miscommunications and paperwork snafus are likely.
15-25 - Saturn opposition Uranus: Destruction of the status quo.
20 - Venus enters Virgo: Favors socializing through work and charity projects.
22 - Sun enters Libra: Heralds the Autumnal Equinox.

14 - Venus enters Libra: Favors romantic trysts, negotiations and artistic endeavors.
16 - Mars enters Leo: Creativity and entertainment heighten passion.
29 - Saturn enters Libra: Restructures policies pertaining to law, relationships and equality.

7 - Venus enters Scorpio: Love is stormy, passionate and possessive.
15 through February 27, 2010 - Saturn square Pluto: Economic/financial structures are transformed.

1 - Venus enters Sagittarius: Love is playful and free.
2 through March 10 - Mars retrograde: Backtracking over plans and projects is likely.
21 - Sun enters Capricorn: Heralds the Winter Solstice.
21-29 - Jupiter conjunct Neptune: Favors humanitarian and spiritual endeavors.
25 - Venus enters Capricorn: Love needs commitment and grounding.
26 through January 15, 2010 - Mercury retrograde: Miscommunications and paperwork snafus are likely.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry, Merry, Moon in Sagi

Merry Christmas! What a beautiful morning it is, with the moon to match. It is in the inspiring and optimistic sign of Sagittarius. Watch your patience today, your excitement level might be on overdrive. Sagittarius rules all things magical: hope, dreams, travel, and anything which gives you that uplifting/enlightened feeling. The moon could not have picked a better placement for Christmas day!

Mars (the action planet) is getting ready to enter the ambitious sign of Capricorn. Today is the last day in Sagittarius, so take advantage of the lightness in energy, as tomorrow your "action" energy will feel much more serious. We are approaching the new moon on 12/27, we might start feeling a bit depressed, that's okay, it will pass quickly. You are now entering a receiving cycle (new moon); so open your arms wide...wider - there you go!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Moon in Scorpio

Collect your thoughts and untangle them and now put them back together. Today is about taking care of your mind and body. Start jotting down those goals that you WILL attain in 2009. Now release them and store them only in that special place within you. Having the Scorpio moon at this time is wonder-full! For Scorpio brings the truth to light. What better way to start the process of welcoming the new year! The Sun and Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) will connect today, this helps you to stay connected today. This energy will make you realize your power and how little you have been using it! Now, stand in it and embrace it....go on!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Full Moon in Gemini

Okay, so, I've received countless emails about this Full Moon in Gemini. Astrologers have done a pretty good job out there of scaring everyone with today. Because today's moon will be a trine square, translation...everything that could go wrong - will. I tend to look at things a little bit different, and really that's all we can do, change our perception and the entire picture changes, voila (YES! it is that easy)!

Today is the day that you want to let the dust settle. It is not a day to take action, we can do that in a couple of days when the moon moves into a fire (action) sign. Today look around you and see the things/people which have supported you in the last two weeks. It's a day to conjure your intentions and set them free. Since we are in an air sign today, your mind will be agile and ideas will be plenty. Don't be afraid to connect today.

Saturn is squaring (clashing) with the Sun. This tells us there will be some type of resistance, whether internal or external. Don't add fuel to anything today, it can cause a wild-fire! And don't be fooled, the energies today are not subtle, even if they appear to be. Remember, if that person/thing/situation pops up that is unpleasant...release it with love.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moon in Scorpio

There is a friendly connection today between the Sun (Optimism) and Mercury (Communication). If you've been waiting for news, today is the day to hear it go in your favor. If something has been bothering you, you still have time to turn it around by changing your thoughts. With the Scorpio energy in the air, it produces a hopeful day, full of passion and depth. BUT, don't become obsessive about things, in Scorpio this is easy to do! You also might not be in the greatest of mood today, that's okay, we're approaching the new moon (11/27/08) and we are shedding the stuff that got us through November...and it was indeed a tough one!


Friday, November 21, 2008

YIPEE! Sun enters Sagittarius, Moon in Virgo

The Sun enters the 'get happy now' sign of Sagittarius today, and thankfully so. It is leaving the serious sign of Scorpio, and at this point, it couldn't have come any faster! Think about all of the things that have occurred in your life and around you in the past 30 days, that was indicative of the 'overall energy' in the air, which was in Scorpio. This energy shifts every 30 days. Congratulations on making it through in one piece! The moon affects our mood every 2 days. So, its important to correlate the 2 (Sun & Moon), as they are always working in tandem.

Today's moon is in the mental (lol, I mean analytical) sign of Virgo. We have a hard time embracing our playful side when we are in a analytical sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Scorpio). We tend to let our energy get stuck in our head. Its not free to flow to the rest of your body, where we find other delights, other than solving and worrying.

Jupiter and Saturn come to the rescue today (tantadada)! Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see when you open them! Even if its not immediate you are creating it.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Moon in Gemini

Pick your battles wisely today and don't take ANYTHING too seriously. The moon in a Gemini energy brings us the ability to communicate clearly and with confidence. Whatever was making you feel binded, now disappears. There is a feeling of hope in the air. There is a lot of mental energy available to you today, but you'll create obstacles. Banish them for once, remember, the power of the mind is much more powerful than anything else. Find a balance today that expresses your authority and compassion.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Time to re-connect, Moon in Pisces

We'll be in a dreamy state today. Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac. They are also the psychic sponges. You'll pick-up energies from everything and everyone around you. Pay attention to what is yours and ask for what is not to lovingly be removed. There is also a tendency to react to strong energies with aversion...don't. Saturn and Uranus continue to be in opposition. Which tends to bring out the rebel in us all. Change is in the air and the heavy energy that Pisces brings us today and tomorrow will serve us well. As this energy will help ground us; the palace around us has to be completely broken-down to be re-built. The fishes will help keep you in the right state of mind...


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius

Today is a WOW day! The first quarter moon simply translates into us viewing the moon as if it were cut in half. It is the first phase of check-in after the new moon, which occurred on the 28th under the sign of Scorpio. It's also a point in our juncture where we should set goals, as the Full Moon is one week away. Full moons are a time of release, of letting go of what/who no longer serves you. New moons are a time for planting seeds; starting something new.

Any boulders that are in your path today are meant to be turned into stones. Don't allow any hurdles to sap your energy. These boulders are figments of your imagination. There has been some very heavy cosmic energy in play the past couple of weeks...did you notice!!? I couldn't even write!!! The energy is diffusing and you should start feeling better and more creative today.

With today's Aquarius moon we'll feel detached from individuals and a need to feel part of the whole. It could not be any more perfect for the day that we elect our next president. Saturn and Uranus are opposing each other. This means that everything we've known to date is about to "change" right before our eyes. Uranus is the planet of the future, the visionary, the genius. Saturn represents limits and tradition. Uranus will win this battle. Tomorrow will in fact be...a new day...age.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Moon in Capricorn

Today the moon is in the productive sign of Capricorn. And, yet, we are feeling like our energy is fading. Mars and Neptune are fighting over your energy today and will direct when you should daydream and when you should take action. Listen to your intuition; the signs will be everywhere, but you have to open your eyes. You are being challenged to think before you act and speak; arguments are likely if you cannot curtail. Under this moon energy we feel that nothing we do is enough. Capricorn is the most ambitious and over-achiever of all the signs. It also is intense and extremely powerful. Try to tell your-self that what you completed today is enough...go home early to pamper your-self! Issues from your past may present them-selves. Deal with them as they emerge and put them to bed. This is part of starting a new month, putting old burdens to rest to start anew. Dreams will be be vivid tonight.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo

Today the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio. We will feel this intense energy for the next 30 days. Under Scorpio we are given the chance to bring our fears to the surface and confront them. We'll feel a need to withdraw from social activity and delve into our internal abyss. If we can find the courage to heal the wounds that hinder our progress, we'll soar like the eagle (one of Scorpio's many symbols).

The moon is in Leo today. The Sun is the ruler of Leo, which means this is a light, optimistic sign. Literally, brightening up your day. If you are feeling happy today, share those feelings with all who surround you; its infectious! If you have a project to complete this is the day to finalize. You might come across someone who isn't feeling that oomph, well, give it to them! Spread the joy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mercury Direct, Moon in Taurus

Mercury comes out of his shell today and is direct. We now look at the changes we've made in the past couple of weeks with more clarity and understanding. We had to be internal in the past weeks to find answers, but we now re-emerge with new found knowledge and appreciation for all things. There is alot of mental energy available to us, as it is the planet that rules our thinking. We're also governed by a Taurus moon today. We'll feel grounded and our body gives us clear messages. A good day for starting and/or completing projects or simply getting through our errands. In Taurus, all of our senses are heightened, so eat something yummy, listen to a favorite album, or get a'll feel marvelous.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Full Moon in Aries

Today people will be looking for a challenge. Even if there are none; one will be created. If you encounter people who are there just to stir your pot...don't be moved - stand in your strength. Don't take things personally today. Use this energy to remind your-self to keep reaching for the stars. Sometimes we become complacent and feel stuck in the mud. Today will rev our engines again!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another day with your head in the clouds...

We are still in an Aquarius moon. There are some surprises today as Venus (planet of relationships) and Uranus (planet of breaking the rules) are pairing up nicely today. Add it up; today you will be breaking the rules with someone :o) Oh, how fun! You're more likely to be productive in the afternoon, so don't worry about what doesn't get done in the morning. Today is a good day to remind your-self just how unique you are...and we ALL are. If you're feeling social; today is a great day to go out and catch up with friends. You'll feel the electricity (Uranus rules the "body electric"). Remember to celebrate you today.

Special Note: Happy Birthday to my "Mama Gena"...sending love.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Moon in Aquarius

Our mind is turned on today! Creativity will come easy to all. Aquarius is an air sign; air rules communication and information - expect lots of it today. Aquarius is the mad genius of the zodiac. You might get lost in your ideals today; just go with it. We are being supported to express the mad genius in us today. This energy also brings us outside of our-selves. If you come across a situation or person that you would like to help/support, go for it! This energy is all about remembering who we are...human.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Transition into Sagittarius

The moon is changing gears this morning, transitioning into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius. We will feel a bit sluggish as this change occurs. Its best to take things slowly today, as both the Moon and Mars (planet of action) are changing their placements. Mars will enter Scorpio this evening, and stays until Nov. 16. We'll want to keep more to ourselves. Our action and attention will be focused on private matters. This energy will also ignite whatever passions we have and lately have forgotten about. We are being asked to go inside of ourselves and stay there for a little while.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Moon in Scorpio

Today is a good day to remind your-self of just how far you have come. We'll feel like reminiscing today. Its a great day to remind your-self of just how wonderful you truly are. Read material, speak with people that make you feel good, stay clear of anything/anyone that you know is going to drain you; you need the energy. Get all your important tasks out of your way in the early part of the day. The moon will begin its transitory period and the serious energy of Scorpio is needed to complete any unfinished business. Mars is still in the social sign of Libra, it will shift into Scorpio tomorrow night, so if you want to get out and have a great time; tonight is favorable. Have fun!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcoming October with a Scorpio moon

Starting a new month with the powerful moon of Scorpio is an indication of the type of month October will be; serious and all about taking care of your business. We are in a Scorpio moon all day today. We can operate from the extremes of strength or fear, for this sign rules both of these qualities. Facing off with your fears today will be an opportunity. As this moon brings it all to the surface. In actuality, FEAR is only Forgetting Everything is All Right. Venus and Neptune are friendly today allowing us all to access the creative and romantic energy they are emitting. Mars and Pluto are pouring passion out there...perfect for a hot night...or day.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Libran day, Scorpion night

The moon will be in the social sign of Libra in the early part of the day, we'll transition into the Scorpio moon later in the evening. This is a well-balanced day. We should engage in social activities and keep it light in the early part. Tonight we'll feel more serious and introverted. Scorpio is the sign of rebirth, renewal - death/birth. If you have been open to change lately, you will feel this energy very intensely. As these changes are now going into live feed. The Scorpio moon is a perfect energy to end the month. You will feel the closure (death) of stagnant situations.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The New Moon in Libra

The new moon in Libra is connecting to the over-the-top planet of Jupiter (the luck planet). We're also in a new moon cycle. Use this energy to release the past, fears, and worries. You must allow these to surface, deal with them once and for all and set your-self free. If you do this, you will wake up tomorrow feeling reinvigorated and ready to walk on your new laid out path. Spend some quiet time with your-self tonight. Set an your arms.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Transition in the Gemini moon

Start your day by saying "thank you". It is important to take a moment and acknowledge the bounty in your life. Grattitude elevates the frequency you operate on. Put some TLC into everything you do today, the planets are a bit quarrelsome making you a bit clumsy. Be extra care-ful. Today is not a day for making altering decisions. Mercury (planet of information and communication) and Neptune (planet of dreams and spirituality) are making things hazy. Let the fog clear.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bask in an all-day Taurus moon

Stability rules the day, yet again. Your mind will be agile today, seeking to communicate and connect with others. Engage in meaningful conversation today. We are being asked to take a good look at our-selves and our lives and observe what is working and what is not. What/who is supporting you? Lovingly realease what doesn't serve you...any longer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Transition into a Taurus moon

We change into the Taurus energy early morning. There is a more stabilizing force in the air and we are better able to deal with whatever comes our way (or came our way yesterday). You are feeling more relaxed and balanced. Venus (ruler of Taurus) and Neptune (ruler of Pisces) are making a sexy connection today. Sexual energy will be high. Eat something yummy today, food is packed with an extra punch under the sensual Taurean! Everything is a bit more delicious today...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moon in Aries

ENERGY. Tons of it is at your disposal today, should you choose it. Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. The initiator. It also rules chaos and conflict, so it is important that you choose how you'd like this energy to serve you. Start something today or go back to tying loose ends. If you don't zero in on something today, you'll feel a bit scattered. Don't be disheartened if things don't go as planned today. Be a rolling stone...

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Full Moon in Pisces

What you set into motion two weeks ago is now in transit. You can feel the change that is occuring in your life and environment. Don't be afraid. Feelings are not meant to be judged; they are simply your compass. An increase in sensitivity is likely today. This full moon will start a clarification process. Prepare by visualizing what it is you desire. Plant the seeds today; you reap what you sow.
Affirmation: I lovingly release all experiences that hinder my growth.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What's the celestial forecast?

Ever wonder why you feel so different from day to day. Today you might feel somber, but tomorrow you see things a bit more different, maybe better, maybe worse. Astrology is very influencial in our daily life. The moon is the energy which is felt the most intense, because the moon shifts every two days. Depending on the sign it falls under, we are under those sign's energies, i.e., Pisces - compassion, dreamy, creative. My objective is to give a daily forecast of the moon's position and over-all "feeling". You will feel this energy in the air, but more in particular in one area of your chart (it is helpful if you know the positions of your Houses).

Saturday, 9/13/2008

Moon in Pisces:
Today we are feeling and allowing our-selves to relax into it. Encouraging us to sit back and listen to our voice. Allow anything to come to surface, you are preparing for a Harvest Moon in two days. We are ending a cycle to begin a fresh one. Anything that you start today will likely be succesful. We will sit in a Pisces moon until Monday.
That explains why I am listening to John Lennon...BTW, Lennon is a moon in Capricorn.