Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Moon in Leo then Virgo, Deliberate Intent

What do you desire? Can you see it, feel it, touch it? The New Moon is a time for planting those seeds. Be very clear in your wish. The universe is your Genie, and your wish is her command. I find when I don't know what I want, I get the most confusing situations presented to me, but only because everything, and I mean everything is a projection of self. The courageous, creative energy of Leo will aid you in coming up with a fun picture. The moon slides into Virgo at 10am (EST) and helps you with the details of your plan.

So, take time out today to just play with your imagination, what does your ideal life look like...isn't that beautiful!


Affirmation: I love myself and am surrounded by life's beauty.

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