Monday, June 1, 2009

Moon is V-O-C, then gently moves into Libra - The Day of Social Charm

Hey ya'll! I'm back from vacation...yes, that's right, I was completely laxxin last week and took a spontaneous trip to Philly on Friday, came back on Saturday. The moon in Leo sure did create that impulsive decision; I loved it. I did my usual favorite thing to do in Philly, walk, walk, and some more walking. I love to admire the colonial architecture and all those pretty cobble stone streets. I also get lost in the artsy vibe down there, I know i'm in the capital of artsy vibe (NYC), but there is something about that little city that captures it so differently and it works for me. Well, now, I should be getting back to celestial matters:

Today our moon is void-of-course (making its transition into the next energy) until 11:17am. We are moving from Virgo into Libra. We will feel social and confident about our self today. Libra is a charmer and today we turn up the volume. Artistic endeavors are favored. Try something different: writing a song, a poem, paint, dance...EXPRESS. Mars is in Taurus; you can also choose your body to do all of the words - try it.


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