Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moon in Libra, Are You In Or Out?

Today's energy is about balance, justice, being polite, and others. Are you happy with what life has served you? Or are you taking it in and accepting, trusting that its the right thing at the right time? In Libra energy we tend to be very indecisive, but do we really not know the answer!? We always know, even if we are not ready to vocalize it and admit it -- to ourselves. It is hard for any zodiac sign to relinquish control, but in Libra the scales do find equilibrium and always are just. Make peace with knowing that you always make the right decision, even when you feel that you don't know...your decision is coming from a far deeper place than you could imagine and that place always leads you to your true path, don't take detours...


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