Friday, December 12, 2008

Full Moon in Gemini

Okay, so, I've received countless emails about this Full Moon in Gemini. Astrologers have done a pretty good job out there of scaring everyone with today. Because today's moon will be a trine square, translation...everything that could go wrong - will. I tend to look at things a little bit different, and really that's all we can do, change our perception and the entire picture changes, voila (YES! it is that easy)!

Today is the day that you want to let the dust settle. It is not a day to take action, we can do that in a couple of days when the moon moves into a fire (action) sign. Today look around you and see the things/people which have supported you in the last two weeks. It's a day to conjure your intentions and set them free. Since we are in an air sign today, your mind will be agile and ideas will be plenty. Don't be afraid to connect today.

Saturn is squaring (clashing) with the Sun. This tells us there will be some type of resistance, whether internal or external. Don't add fuel to anything today, it can cause a wild-fire! And don't be fooled, the energies today are not subtle, even if they appear to be. Remember, if that person/thing/situation pops up that is unpleasant...release it with love.


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