Friday, May 8, 2009

Full Moon in Scorpio, Process of Elimination

That's right, today is the full moon in Scorpio (5/9/09 at 12:01am). I know a lot of "stuff" was going on yesterday, but today is the day my friends. Now I know full moons tend to get a bad rap, or used for unruly behavior, but they actually serve a very important purpose: they bring things/situations to light. Now, notice the word "luna" - latin word for moon, now notice the word "lunatic" - being adversely affected by the moon. Now, there is a theory that full moon babies, when your Sun sign, i.e. Virgo, is directly opposite your moon sign, i.e. Pisces, feel this effect very intensely and therefore during full moons turn into werewolves, lol. Well, I'm kidding, but they sure act like it, I have a couple of them around me.

Now, today's full moon is in Scorpio. I love these full moons, because there is no reading between the lines. If full moons bring things to light, and the full moon is in Scorpio, what does that mean?? Hidden fears (Scorpio - ruler of the underworld) will come to light, and you'll have to deal with them. The Scorpio energy will not allow you to bring things up to the surface and just act like they never existed - no, no, no. You will bring these things up to the surface, from the underworld and you will shed light on them and understand them, which brings you into greater clarity and THEN you will excrete them from your system. You are transformed. Now, you understand why the full moon energy can be so restorative, it does what it needs to do - no judgements.


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