Friday, March 20, 2009

Moon in Capricorn, Sun enters Warrior Energy that is Aries

Third time's the charm, eh? Here we are on the 3rd day of the Capricorn moon and my to-do list is not done yet! LOL! I love when I look for excuses and blame it on the celestial energies, it's kinda fun. Truth be told, I have been having fun while I am working, and a frikkin to-do list just adds pressure, so I'm over it :o) I like to exercise my brain by just remembering stuff instead of writing stuff down that I should do. I am perfectly organized in a disorganized manner, there! But I'll give it another My friend (of a feather) forwarded me lovely to-do templates which I do think would help me, because they are just so pretty. The moon will be void-of-course starting at 1:06pm today, it begins to prep for Aquarius. This energy asks us to just BE, don't force anything or make any important decisions during the void-of-course moon.

Sun in Aries, the zodiac is born here and we have an energy which is raw and full of potency. Aries is ruled by Mars, god of war, this is our warrior energy. Aries look for resistance, it likes to push against anything/anyone. It upsets quickly and is impulsive. During the next 30 days we will feel more energetic, ready to get projects off the ground, and seek adventure - we will definitely want to be outdoors more. Appreciate this energy for what it is, playful and always passionate. Happy Vernal Equinox!


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