Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius

Today is a WOW day! The first quarter moon simply translates into us viewing the moon as if it were cut in half. It is the first phase of check-in after the new moon, which occurred on the 28th under the sign of Scorpio. It's also a point in our juncture where we should set goals, as the Full Moon is one week away. Full moons are a time of release, of letting go of what/who no longer serves you. New moons are a time for planting seeds; starting something new.

Any boulders that are in your path today are meant to be turned into stones. Don't allow any hurdles to sap your energy. These boulders are figments of your imagination. There has been some very heavy cosmic energy in play the past couple of weeks...did you notice!!? I couldn't even write!!! The energy is diffusing and you should start feeling better and more creative today.

With today's Aquarius moon we'll feel detached from individuals and a need to feel part of the whole. It could not be any more perfect for the day that we elect our next president. Saturn and Uranus are opposing each other. This means that everything we've known to date is about to "change" right before our eyes. Uranus is the planet of the future, the visionary, the genius. Saturn represents limits and tradition. Uranus will win this battle. Tomorrow will in fact be...a new day...age.


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