This morning the moon is void-of-course, which only means that it is preparing to move into the next station, Enter: Capricorn. The void-of-course moon is in effect from 6:14am - 12:13pm (EST). During a void-of-course moon, she asks us not to make any decisions, as nothing is clear, and the energy is trasitory. Lucky for us we are all still waking up on a Monday morning after noon. Once we are fully awake the moon in Capricorn kicks into gear and its time to get with the program. The moon is making challenging connections to Saturn (in Libra) and Pluto (in Capricorn). The celestial sky is asking us to set boundaries, and yes, boundaries even for your-self. If you've been feeling like you have been wasting your time on unproductive activity, here's your chance to re-write your script. You can still play, but set a limit if play time has become play-day or play week, and even play-month. Find a way to balance (Saturn in Libra) responsibility (Moon and Pluto in Capricorn).
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Moon in Scorpio, Deep Breath In

We're stationed all day in the still, deep waters of Scorpio. We will all feel the need for meaning; our conversations, our actions, our encounters all must have a purpose today. Feelings, which the Moon rules, in this placement are always intense and although under the Scorpio energy are controlled they need to be felt. We all sometimes look for ways of distracting ourselves from what's really going on within us. Today I ask you to allow your-self to stay present and not seek escape. All your feelings ask is that they be felt, once you do this...that's it! You now stand in your power. This afternoon Neptune (stationed in Aquarius) will affect the moon and either make you believe in magic or make you feel like you are acid trippin; your choice. Its all about perception, my friend.
The Sun (in Pisces) and Mars (in Leo) will be playing tug of war, get your ego in check and that will allow you to step out of ego-trippin battles with others. The moon goes void-of-course at 11:31pm (EST), this diffuses all the energy and since it'll be late night for us, we can sleep and let our dreams work out all the kinks. Sweet Dreams.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Moon in Scorpio, What Am I Afraid Of!!

Hello Luvies,
As some of you already know, I have been away working on my website. It still doesn't feel quite right, but I have been working at it. Here's what the celestial forecast looks like for today:
Our Sun in Pisces, is connecting beautifully with the moon in Scorpio. It would be hard not to feel our connection to the divine order enveloping us today. Pisces has an ethereal energy; seeing the heart of things and not letting anything or anyone obstruct their perception. The thinking planet of Mercury also stations itself in the feeling energy of Pisces until March 17th. Expect your minds to be more imaginative and creative, also expect your decisions to incorporate your feelings. With so much energy in Pisces, expect to feel a guided path laid out for you, expect to feel supported. Mercury (in Pisces) and Pluto (in Capricorn) are making a sweet connection, giving us permission to transform and transport our thoughts to a more positive platform. So go ahead and let your light shine for the world to feel it, you won't be sorry :o) Expect miracles.
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