Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Moon in Leo then Virgo, Deliberate Intent

What do you desire? Can you see it, feel it, touch it? The New Moon is a time for planting those seeds. Be very clear in your wish. The universe is your Genie, and your wish is her command. I find when I don't know what I want, I get the most confusing situations presented to me, but only because everything, and I mean everything is a projection of self. The courageous, creative energy of Leo will aid you in coming up with a fun picture. The moon slides into Virgo at 10am (EST) and helps you with the details of your plan.

So, take time out today to just play with your imagination, what does your ideal life look like...isn't that beautiful!


Affirmation: I love myself and am surrounded by life's beauty.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Moon in Taurus, Creature Comforts

What a lovely day it will be! When the Moon is in Taurus we celebrate our creative force, feeling more open to music, art, dance, and we can't forget food! Res-TAUR-ant. Its no coincidence that most chefs are Taurus' or have strong placements in their birthchart. Embrace whatever moves you today, allow the self-expression to come to surface. Today's energy is calm and pleasure-seeking. Now, this energy also carries some rigid and bull-headedness, but not if you focus on the things that will comfort you. Venus and the moon are making a lovely connection today. Remember to show affection to those that you love. Tell them how much you appreciate them, or just spend some time with them and show them. Because this is an Earth sign, send loving energy to our Mother Earth; she holds all of this together.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Moon in Aries, Go get it

Mars (in Gemini) and Saturn (in Virgo) are facing off today; you may feel some tension in the air. The moon in Aries encourages our fearlessness and ability to act on impulse. But Saturn and Mars will tone it down a notch, providing brakes. Aries is petal to the metal all the way. Put some thought into your actions today, but also pay attention to your feelings. Its easy to forget about them with these energies, but that wouldn't be wise.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Moon in Aquarius, Embrace Your Genius

Before writing this morning, the song "Love" was playing over in my head... I decided to play it on my Napster while writing. I'm in a very loving space this moment :o)

The Moon and Mars are meeting today, this partnering will add an extra bop to your step. You'll feel energized and ready for what comes. The Moon has also joined forces with Chiron, Neptune, and Jupiter; these energies rule healing, dreaming, and expansion. This makes it easy for us to be kind, loving, and generous. The expression is still through Aquarius, which is an air sign, which means the energy will be expressed through the mental realm. This stimulates our originality and unique way of doing things. Its okay to be different, express your-self and appreciate that in others you cross paths with today. And remember to love-love-love...


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, Cutting the Cords

Good morning luvlies,

Sorry for the hiatus, I was directly influenced by the 2 eclipses in July and had to retreat within for a little bit. Sometimes, writing is the only form of letting out for me, but sometimes in those very intense phases, I can't even do that. Some people embrace and enjoy lots of changes in one full sweep...that's not me, lol. Change is a tricky thing for me, because I have to shift to the new, and its like I still feel what was there before, it plays tricks with me. But we've got to be rolling stones, let that river carry you down the stream. Go with it and trust that all is well.

Today's lunar Eclipse carries the energy of Aquarius. Aquarius uses our minds to communicate the unique gifts we came to bear to this world. Lunar eclipses are about release. They provide us the platform for letting go of the things that are holding us down and giving us the strength to trust that we made the right decision. Today is about elevating humanity, that includes yourself. Get together with like-minded people. A good day for friends, evaluation, and elimination. Don't worry about adding anything new to the mix now, just focus on lightening your load.
