Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Giving you the Green Light, Moon in Aries

Happy Earth Day to all! The celestial energies have aligned themselves beautifully to celebrate Earth Day. Now lets all contribute to this amazing planet by consciously doing something of significance today; buy a canvas tote and replace for those plastic bags, use earth friendly products to clean your home, support "green friendly" stores, watch "Get Fresh with Sara Snow" on the Discovery Health channel - (airs tonight at 10pm, check your local listings) for tips on how to live greener. She is a true delight:

The moon moves into the high-energy of Aries, and so does Mars. We will be operating from our yang, male energy. Aries is an aggressive sign, full of vigor and potency. Here we are most impulsive, so be mindful about jumping to conclusions or situations you might regret later. Mercury and Jupiter are not understanding of each other today; Mercury will put a halt on Jupiter's plans and grand ideas. It would be best if you hold off on getting any plans off the ground. Don't let today's conflicting energy get the best of you. A change in perception goes a long way and will clear the path that is best...


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today's Forecast: Dreams and Intuition, Moon in Pisces

Venus is now direct (WHOOPY) and has also found her lova, none other than, Mr. Mars. They have gathered in the tender loving sign of Pisces. In Pisces we merge, merge into whatever container is before us. This is the unconditional love we all seek - to become ONE with. When looking at relationship synastry in a chart, it is important to look at the signs that are placed here. This will determine the flow or resistance between the two individuals.

The moon in Pisces ask us to surrender to whatever is. Go with the flow. Allow your boat (your-self) to roll gently down the stream (life). Today is about dreaming and setting your intentions. Remember, everything starts with your thoughts. So, dream and create away!!! The imaginative energy of Pisces will allow you to go to the depths of creativity. The moon is also joining Uranus (Planet of eccentricity). All these romantic fantasies we are having will have a dash of quirkiness. Uranus asks the moon energy to maintain some freedom and not go too deep into our sentiments. As you see, they are two vastly different energies, and we might be prone to mood swings or be in the way of someone else's swing. The day is full of high energy and excitement, but please don't forget to gather a moment to collect your-self and restore any imbalances you've collected through out the day. A meditation or simply laying back with a good book would be sufficed.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Art of Laying Low and Moon in Capricorn

Hey everyone, hope you didn't miss me too much. The Venus retrograde has really topsy turvied me in the last 6 weeks. And since it directly impacted the top of my chart (Taurus rising, Venus rules Taurus); I felt it very intensely. As anyone with houses in the 2nd house or planets in Taurus would have. I am happy to say that Venus stops being internal on Friday, 4/17, at 3:24pm (EST). We will officially start feeling more like ourselves. Can I get an A-M-E-N!?

Today Mars and Uranus are making a connection; that's action (Mars) and surprises (Uranus). Do not make any important decisions today. The celestial energies want you to lay low. If you rush into anything (action) you will likely not understand all the elements of the decision (surprise!). Surround your-self with harmony and please allow loving thoughts to enter your subconscious. It is very important today to understand how much your thoughts are creating your reality. It is easy to cruise on auto-pilot in life, experiences are fleeting, some people are great, others - not so much. BUT when you affirm what it is that you desire your experience to feel/be like, now we're cooking. Understand that once our internal landscape shifts, our external landscape begins to take that form as well. The Capricorn moon will aid you in this realization today. The sea goat has the torso and head of a goat (external-earth plane), but the lower body of a fish (internal-emotional plane). This creature symbolizes our journey on this plane, navigating two worlds simultaneously.
